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Prepare to be transformed

—by a supportive community of mentors, advisors and a peer network of high-achieving trailblazers just like you.

Designed and delivered by women angel investors and seasoned entrepreneurs, the SheBoot program is dedicated to helping you build your skills, expand your network, and pitch your business to land investment.

What to Expect

If accepted, you’ll join a cohort of women founders and commit a minimum of two half days per week for a six-week bootcamp dedicated to accelerating the growth and success of your technology startup through:

  • Interactive workshops
  • One-on-one coaching
  • Pitch practices
  • Advisory services

Bootcamp culminates in a pitch competition where founders vie for a total of $300,000 in equity-based investment from 30 women angels!

Your dedicated coach and ghost board will work with you for another six months to help maintain your momentum and support you on your investment journey.

Additional details:

Investor Introductions
Business Coaching
Specialized Mentorship
Master-Level Workshops
Continued Support
A Peer Network

“The program was comprehensive, intense and valuable. It delivered on helping me become investment ready and provided a good structure to learn but also apply lessons in the data room.”

– Sofia Bonilla, HOPE Pet Food

Time to Get Investment-Ready!

Apply if your startup is:
  • Women-led: meaning a woman has significant ownership of the business (33% minimum) and holds the title of CEO, COO or CTO
  • Innovative, scalable, and a tech or tech-enabled startup
  • Headquartered in Canada
  • Showing initial signs of traction, e.g., customer feedback, beta tested or generating revenue
  • Looking for support and mentorship
  • Ready to put insight into action
  • Eager to join a founder community

The 2024 application period is now closed. We are overwhelmed with the response and are excited to proceed with the selected candidates.

We invite you to sign up for updates and be the first to know when applications for our 2025 cohort open.

Sign Up Here

Here For All Women

When we use the term ‘women,’ we refer to all individuals who identify as women. This includes women of colour, transgender women, and women with gender-diverse identities (as we know that gender is fluid and can change throughout one’s lifetime). These women have historically and systemically been excluded from many mainstream programs, services, and opportunities.

We’re making a concerted effort to prioritize equity, access and inclusion in everything we do. Our goal is to ensure that anyone who accesses our program truly feels welcome and supported.

More Than a Program – A Thriving Community

SheBoot isn’t just about funding and mentoring; it’s about fostering an impact-driven community.

We understand that every business journey is distinct. If you’re wondering if our program is right for your venture, don’t sideline your potential by counting yourself out. Instead, get in touch with our team. We’ll help you navigate your eligibility and do our best to support you beyond our program.